The Book of 1st Samuel – The rise of Samuel, Saul, and David

The Book of 1st Samuel – The rise of Samuel, Saul, and David

The Book of 1st Samuel

Israel experienced an essential historical shift in 1st Samuel because it moved beyond the era of judges to develop a royal government. The opening section of this book relates to the prophet Samuel, and it also features Saul and David as the key characters. The key message in this book explains how God rules everything while obedience remains vital and how Christ emerges as Israel's predicted royal leader (Merill, 2023). This book delivers spiritual teachings about leadership, faith, and divine purpose in salvation's biblical history.

Summary of the Book

At the beginning of this book, Samuel's miraculous birth appears to Hannah, who dedicates him for divine service at the Tabernacle in Shiloh. During his early years, Samuel heard a holy calling from God (1 Samuel, 3:10). Israel found deliverance from the Philistines after God used his power to lead them to repentance (1 Samuel, 7:3–6). After that, the nation of Israel requested a king after rejecting divine rule, leading God to anoint Saul as the first king through a supernatural experience described in 1 Samuel (10). The Lord disinherited Saul because he continuously disobeyed God (1 Samuel 15:22-23). God selected David as his shepherd-anointed King to be the future monarch of Israel (Insight for Living Ministries, 2009). Through his successful battle against Goliath, David proves his faith in God by striking down the giant with a slingshot and declares that victory belongs to God (1 Samuel, 17:45-47). Saul develops intense envy toward David, so he hunts him continuously. Although David has the opportunity to kill Saul, he denies that and opts to trust in God's timing (1 Samuel, 24:6-7). The book concludes with Saul's tragic death in battle, setting the stage for David's rise to the throne (1 Samuel, 31:4-6).

Fig 1. Map of the Book of I Samuel

Key Themes and Lessons

God's sovereignty is evident as He remains in control despite Israel's demand for a king (1 Samuel, 9:16). Central to the theme is obedience. Samuel states that obeying is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel, 15:22). From David's victory over Goliath, we see how he had faith in God in delivering those who trust in Him (1 Samuel 17:47). Leadership and humility are also lessons of leadership, for David patiently waits for God's appointed time and not a time of his choosing (1 Samuel 26:10).

Fig 2. Map of the Book of 1 Samuel

Historical and Cultural Context

The events of 1st Samuel occur during a time of Philistine dominance, influencing Israel's demand for a human king to lead them in battle (1 Samuel 8:19-20). With Saul and David anointed as kings with oil, it has become a practice of divine selection and empowerment (1 Samuel, 16:13). Samuel's words were God's words, and that is the perfect example of the role of prophets in guiding the nation to a wholesome path (1 Samuel, 3:19-20).

Prophetic and Messianic Significance

The book reveals that David points ahead to Jesus as the eternal King who will emerge through his family line (1 Samuel 16:13 and Luke 1:32–33). Like Mary's Magnificat (1 Samuel, 2:1–10 (Luke, 1:46–55), Hannah thanks God for his reliability. The promise of a king after God's own heart is fulfilled by Jesus, who perfectly obeys God's will (1 Samuel, 13:14).

Fig 3. Timeline of the Book of 1 Samuel

Application for Today

David was a believer, and he encouraged other believers to trust in God's timing (Bible Project, 2025). When he refused to take matters into his own hands (1 Samuel, 26:10). Saul would also serve as a warning of disobedience and self-reliance (1 Samuel, 15:22-23). The message of the most significant challenge in 1 Samuel (17:47) shows us that challenges can be overcome through faith in God's power. Above all, God looks at the heart rather than outward appearances, reminding us to seek inner righteousness (1 Samuel 16:7).

Conclusion and Reflection

This book demonstrates God's absolute superiority the importance of obedience, and faith. The boom also teaches us that true victory belongs to the Lord and that waiting on his timing brings blessings.

Reflection Question: What about David's trust in God's plan? Can it help you when facing life challenges?


Bible Project. (2025). The Book of 1 Samuel.

Free Bible Images. (2023). Bible maps in 1 Samuel.

Holy Bible. (2011). New International Version (NIV). Zondervan. (Original work published 1978)

Insight for Living Ministries. (2009). Book of 1Samuel overview. Insight for Living.

Merill, S. B. (2023). Bible book club.

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